mark butcher associates
sustainability | skills | strategy

Leadership and Management

Project Management

This course is for managers, project leaders, fundraisers and trustees who need to design and implement projects, get results and hit targets.

Discover how to create a plan, delegate the work, create task and time structures, undertake critical path analysis and deal with problems along the way to ensure the success of your project.

Content includes:

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Strategic Planning

Participants will learn how to review their organisation’s mission, agree aims and objectives, analyse risk, develop smart responses and implement and evaluate an effective strategic plan. This course is for managers, project leaders and trustees who need to create winning business plans, guide their organisation through challenging times and manage change.

The content will include:

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Managing Your Team Effectively

In this session we’ll argue that the ability to lead and inspire others is not a wonderful gift that some lucky people are born with. Rather, it is the consistent, day to day application of a few simple, but very powerful principles. This module will examine those principles whilst looking at the difference between leadership and management, how your management style should not be fixed, but fluid – and how and when to change it, how different personality ‘types’ relate to one another in the team – and what to do about this and how to conduct a Team ‘M.O.T.’

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Dealing With Difficult Behaviours

But what if we do everything right, as described above, and we still have some people in the team who are just impossible to manage? This module will look at typical types of difficult behaviours, 5 key responses, how to change their behaviour by modifying your own, how to prevent difficulty through better communication, how to build ‘emotional capital’ and how to defuse, calm and avoid confrontation.

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Motivation and Performance Management

This session digs deep into what really motivates people (it might not be what you think!). We’ll show how to motivate with the right choice of words, motivate with the right actions, apply various theories of motivation (from the classic canon of thought leaders on the subject), help people set inspirational (yet achievable) goals build rapport and trust, deliver effective feedback and build all of the above into your supervision and appraisal processes.

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Change Management

We’ll show you how to spot the 15 reasons change usually fails, manage the process of change to minimise disruption, overcome people’s objections and develop a change leadership style that will keep your people on board.

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Fundraising from Trusts

Discover how to research trusts, overcome barriers, plan for future trends and write brilliant proposals for funding. This is for anyone that needs to raise more money from charitable trusts, to gain an edge on the competition for limited funding and write powerful and successful bids.

Content includes:

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Fundraising from Business

Delegates will identify what companies want and learn how they can offer support, how to research them, put a proposal together and make an approach. This is for anyone wanting to raise money, material or support from business for their project.

Content includes:

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Creating a Fundraising Strategy

This course is for trustees, managers and fundraisers who need to develop an effective fundraising strategy designed to get results. Our specially developed TARGET Model will demonstrate how to build on strengths, eliminate weaknesses, put the right funding mix together, create a fundraising team, identify where the big money is, ask effectively, use consultants appropriately and timetable the whole strategy. We also look at the key principles of fundraising and how to apply these.

Content includes:

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Developing a Marketing Strategy

Sell your organisation, focus your marketing outcomes, produce brilliant promotional material and powerful copy – and pull it all together into a winning strategy. This day will benefit managers, project workers and trustees who need to communicate their message effectively, stand out from the crowd and build support for their work

Content includes:

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Digital Fundraising and Crowdfunding

Participants in this interactive and practical session will gain an understanding of how on-line fundraising is both similar to and different from traditional fundraising. We’ll look at how to plan a campaign, the platforms and technologies to use, how to get the message just right, how to integrate your on-line appeal with your other marketing and fundraising activity and who needs to do what, by when, to pull it all together. We’ll take a close look at Crowdfunding and delegates will have the opportunity to begin to map out and think through their own Crowdfunding Appeal.

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Measuring Impact

This session delivers a 7-stage framework model to measure and assess the social impact of non-profit activity. It is based on establishing clarity around 7 key questions as follows:

Delegates will be introduced to a wide range of techniques and tools such as the Theory of Change, the Outcomes Circle, qualitative and quantitative indicators, performance milestones, traffic light indicators and others.

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Capital Appeals

This session breaks down the timeframes, resources, skills and other inputs required to raise the significant sums of money required for a capital appeal.

Content will include:

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Personal Effectiveness

Manage Your Time – Manage Yourself!

This session will help you to improve your time management and also give you emotional and psychological tools to ‘roll with the punches’ when the pressure of work gets too much. We’ll cover prioritisation, delegation, creating schedules that work, dealing with interruptions, managing meetings effectively, saying ‘no’ and goal setting.

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Presentation Skills

This programme can be delivered in one day, or extended to two or three days to give participants the opportunity to practice making presentations in front of a live audience.

The content covers:

It is an ideal introduction for those who have not delivered presentations before as well as an excellent way to brush up on key skills for the more experienced.

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Influencing and Negotiation Skills

This module will examine the key techniques used by ‘win/win’, principled, negotiators, so that you can win the negotiation whilst maintaining the relationship. And we’ll give you a toolkit of tactics (from using concessions, setting limits, establishing ‘anchor points’, referring to a ‘higher authority’, using your BATNA, etc) should they decide to play ‘hard-ball’!

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Stress Management and Peak Personal Performance

This course will give participants a selection of advanced practical and psychological techniques to ensure that they achieve their most ambitious goals, build strong self belief, learn how to develop and use positive thinking skills, and handle stressful situations. Overall participants will be given a wide-ranging toolkit to help them achieve more in their work and private life.

The course covers:

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Creativity and Innovation

This day will examine the difference between ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’, demonstrate how to get to the ‘root cause’ of problems, encourage team creativity, show participants how to generate masses of ideas and then how to choose the best idea for a given problem. We’ll examine the ideas of Thought Leaders from John Adair to Thomas Edison, we’ll pinch ideas from Einstein and De Bono and we’ll introduce a range of powerful, fun techniques (Random Input, Thinking the Unthinkable, Idea Mash-Ups, Divergent and Convergent Thinking, Gestation, Mind Mining and much more!)

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